Monday, December 27, 2010
Ah Niu sang this song for quite some time back. Listening to the lyrics, make you feel very Malaysian inside you. English+Malay+Mandarin+Hokkien+Cantonese= the language of Malaysia
Worth to listen...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I don't know how many readers have read my blog. To those who has been reading (frequently or once a while), I would like to thank you because of your support.
Anyway, I'm writing this post because I need your opinions certain issues. Since the Wikileaks havoc, I realised that there are many secrets that are hidden behind closed doors. What's with spying on each other? Is privacy or trust exist in human?
I need your opinions on:
1. Freedom of press
2. Transparency
3. Trustworthy
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My first semester at university has ended last week. So it's holiday for me now!
What I did for a short semester was really hectic. I finished 3 subjects, 3 books and many projects and assignment in sightly 2 months' time. Can you imagine it? One whole 'Introduction to Mass Communication', 'Mass Media' and quarter of 'Communication Theory' books in a short time. What my classmates and I did to finished all 3 (or 2) subjects in 2 months' time? Go to class, talk and alah alah sit in dining hall surfing the web. Yes that's what we did.
I can say that I'm done with 'Communication Theory'. To some of my classmates, they have to take this subject in the next semester as they dropped it. Well, all the best to you(?)
What I'm doing next semester? 5 or 6 subjects plus MPW.
What's happening next semester? Don't know. More fun and assigments?!
p/s: I'm having holidays now. So what about the Form 6 classmates? Sow Lei Wei, Su Ann, Ju Yi and others...
Friday, November 26, 2010
This title sounds so scholar-ish.
That's something that happened today.
Dr. Teh and Chen Choi Sim who are in Taiwan, tried to call back to Grandmother's house and her handphone. However due to some technical error, she couldn't read them.
The same happened in my house too. As my mother informed me about Chen Choi Sim couldn't reach them and so does she, I tried to call back and couldn't get through. Grandmother's handphone rang but after a moment, there was this interruption voice occurred. Her house phone rang but no one answered.
I called my aunt in Taiwan telling her the house phone is not functioning well. I told her that I called home every night to check on them.
About 10 minutes later, my mother called and informed me that the phone lined is ok now. There, I texted my aunt to call back and talked to them.
What I learned from the whole incident is that Malaysia's technology is far behind from a developed country.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The storyline is simple. A couple dine in a restaurant. The boyfriend told the girlfriend that she can 'order anything she want'. She did. When it's time to pay the bill, he was shocked to see that the bill amounted to RM 741.20! That moment, the boyfriend is struggling whether to put down his card or not. If he refused to pay, he will look bad in front of his girlfriend. If he pays, he loss an amount of money. This story reflects Malaysian who is stingy and 'kiasu'...
Wai Ping and Kevin does make a good comedian...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
p/s:To Sow Lei Wei:不知道你在新大如何挨过一个人的日子。。。?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I can't cope with deadlines. That's what I hate about university life. Assignments after assignments. Helplessly looking at the time pass by. Taking all the time to do.
I missed school days. Back then, you can have all the world's time to do your homeworks. I remembered passing up my BM homeworks 2 weeks later during Form 5. That's the same in Form 6 too. Teachers never care.
Accept the reality. That's what human for. Racing against the time. Using every second of your life.
However, so much yet to do and so little time.
There are 1440 seconds in a day. Is that enough...?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fernando Torres: Fernando Torres is outstanding BUT Liverpool is out...!

David Villa: First saw in EURO 2008. A great striker... Live up to the expectations.

Lionel Messi: What else I can say? He's a wizard...!

John Terry: He USED to be that good guy until the alleged affair with teammate's girlfriend

Frank Lampard: A great midfielder. He's the good guy for now... Blues rule!

Steven Gerrard: Other than the punching reporter incident, there's nothing much about him. I don't blame him for Liverpool's bad performance...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Honestly, writing this blog, thinking about the title, takes a time for me, though...
If you'd been following the news of football, especially EURO qualifiers, there is a (upcoming) person you should pay attention on: Lewis Holtby.
He's British. And plays in Bundesliga. He's nationality: German? England? Not sure. I can tell you is that he played in the under-21 squad.
What's the news with him? Fabio Capello intended to call him to the English squad. He kinda refused, saying that he wanted to be in the German squad. Joachim Loew didn't call him for the EURO qualifying games. Who knows? He may be on the German squad at the EURO 2012 (if they managed to qualify).
A big star of the future, really.
England is on the edge of being terminating. Fabio Capello's desperate. Even if England performed well at the qualifying rounds, they won't make it into the top 16. Lewis Holtby ditching England, a right choice, indeed.
Friday, October 1, 2010
I had to admit that when it comes to science or maths, I'm a complete dummy. Knowledge zero.
Science can be creative? I had never thought about it. Just assume that creativity lies in the hands of the designers or writers (that's me)
Today's lunch encounter with Kevin changed my mindset (practically) about the science and creativity issue. Kevin seems troubled by the project he need to do on improve the technology for commercial purposes. I don't know that they overlap to the business courses. No. It was merely a project, in which you have to build up a real model. Basically, I gave some of my opinions. Well, these suggestions sounds a bit unrealistic to a 1st year network and computing student to achieve. Keep that for the future...
From this guy, I learned a lot about Facebook and Google. Take Facebook for example, Mark Zuckerberg set up Facebook for a reason: to connect with everyone in Harvard. Then the rest is history.
Simple and achievable, use a PDA to order food at every table in restaurant. Firstly, cut cost because less waiters needed. Secondly, saves time. It can work out, only in KL and Selangor areas because they had wireless broadbant coverage.
Should I claim royalties on the creativity rights? Just kidding...
Thursday, September 30, 2010
3rd from left: My classmates Wai Ping and Tharsh with Yuga
Kevin, one of the guys I met on day one. Honestly, he looked a little like Aziz
Ehuey, my classmate and Paola, an exchange student from Finland
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I need money (not that desperate,really). I just want to earn allowance by doing jobs I like.
Yesterday, I browsed through this football website, and clicked on Germany football blog. Well, I had been supporting them since... 2002(?). Can't really remember by the way.
There was this blog posting, hiring bloggers to write for German football. Whao! Meaning I can blog and earn money, and the same time got to know first-on-scene news! I'd sent them some blog postings I did during the 2010 FIFA South Africa World Cup. My blog postings are mostly about them.
Um, will I be shortlisted? It's up to them...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I'd attended my 1st class of Communication Theory with Ms. Freeman today. OK, Communication Theory may not be favoured by most students, but it explores deep down about communicating in a right way. Confused?
Why on Earth people learn this subject? It's like a way to learn how to communicate in a right way, without any misleading nor misunderstandings.
What I'd realised from Ms. Freeman's lectures was you (sort of) use different way to speak to different individuals. Example, attending a funeral. You'll send your condolences to the family members, not yelling out "He deserved dead! I'm glad he got it! Ha, ha...".
OK, with friends and family, I'll be a bit sarcasm and joke all the way. Meanwhile, I'm serious in work. Get it? I'm Joker and the next moment I'm the serious Batman
Put that on your mind. You wouldn't be talking in the same tone with all people around you.
Monday, September 6, 2010
I don't understand men. Why they love to cheat? It is because they're never satisfied? Or it is because they want to escape the realities of being with their girlfriends/wives?
English footballers just love to cheat... Ashley Cole(twice!), John Terry, Peter Crouch and now, Wayne Rooney. What? It's a hex?
An advice to the men out there: if you know yourself well, don't get married!
What hurts a women most would be cheating spouses. We, women sacrifice our youth and time for the ones we loved and all we got in the is a wasted. Do you think they(men) should be forgiven? Answer; NO! We forgive once, they'll do it next time.
The next time a woman falls a man, she could asked, 'can I trust them again?'
Friday, August 13, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Yes. From Barclays Premier League to La Liga and Serie A... The new season of 2010/2011 are starting this month after more than a month break from the 2010 World Cup.
Currently it's international friendly everywhere in Europe and U.S.
Let me command about the most watched league: Barclays Premier League or EPL. After the World Cup, I realised that there are actually more foreign players in most EPL clubs. The ratio could be 1:3, it's 1 English player to 3 foreign players. I don't understand it! Don't you have local players?! Why on Earth do they need foreign players? Is England lack of local players? This is why they failed in the World Cup.
Unlike clubs in EPL, Bundesliga doesn't have that much foreign players. The ratio of foreign players to local players in Bayern Munich is 4:5(I calculated it!). Bundesliga has more locals in their clubs. More experienced and professional players guarantee a country to perform well in international tournaments.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
So Spain were crowned the 2010 FIFA World Cup Champion on Monday's morning, by beating the Dutch by 1-0.
I'd been watching the Spanish and Dutch played until 5 a.m. After 90 minutes, the game went into extra time. I thought there will be a penalty kick-off to determine the winner. That was until Iniesta scored at the 26th minute of extra-time.
Spain won, the Dutch had to settled second. They claimed that the referee was unfair. You can see from their expressions when they walked to claimed the silver medal.
On the third and fourth place, Germany beat Uruguay by 3-2. Yes they managed to get 3rd again. Work hard for the 2014 Rio de Janeiro... Congratulations to Uruguay and Germany again because Forlan (Uruguay) won the Golden Player and Mueller won the Golden Boot and Best Young Player.
Everyone get a consolation prize even if your not the big winner.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
So Germany had a slight lost against Spain this morning...! Spain won 1-0 over Germany and I'm definitely furious... Because the Germans are the semi-finalists again after 4 years!
What made me really angry is that they seem to be a little coward at yesterday's match. If you watch the replay of Germany against England or either Argentina, you can see the 'spirit' inside them. When I watched this morning's match, it seems that the Germans are too cautious and do not dare to strike.
Without Mueller, Germany seem to lost their directions!
On the 3rd place battle between them and Uruguay, please do all their best to maintain the runner's up position.
A small advice to Germans, call 'H' for Hiddink to coach for the next European Championship...!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hope this expression on his face will appear... All the best, Klose, and also the other players!
Monday, July 5, 2010
So the big match between Argentina and Germany has finally over. Still, 4 years later, Germany remains the better one. Argentina's dream of bringing the World Cup back to their country was over...!
How does it happened? On the 3rd minute, it was 'Mueller's Show' that made Argentina lost the spirit... I can see that they did tried to fight back on the 2nd half, until Podolski passed the ball to teammate Klose and he just tapped the ball into the goal. There, Germany lead by 2-0. Argentina haven't give up that easily... However a goal on the 74th minute sent a sign to Argentina that it's over...
Probably many of us thought that it ended at 3-0. Klose's last minute goal at 89th minute ended the match by 4-0.
Congratulations to Klose because this match was his 100th for his country. In total, he scored 14 goals, that was just 1 behind Ronaldo. At the 2010 World Cup, he scored 4 goals, a goal behind Spain's David Villa. If he managed to score 2 or above, the Golden Boot is definitely his.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
2。Mesut Ozil(德国)
3。Luis Surez(乌拉圭)
4。Thomas Mueller(德国)
Monday, June 28, 2010
I was happy to know when Germany and England are qualified for the top 16. But when I found out that they're battling each other, it is going to be a 'termination' game...
I'm a supporter of both countries. I don't know which country I'll be supporting (the true is I'm keen to Germans).
Last night proved to be a great game... Probably because Klose was back in the game! And yes, he was the 'knight' that won the 'war'... Goalkeeper James of England didn't have a chance to stop it. Next up, Podolski was in action. Making Germany as the lead by 2-0. England did fought back (still, it's not strong). Matt Upson knocked the ball into England's goal, making them near to the German by 2-1. England almost/nearly had a chance to equalise the points. Lampard's goal went into goal line until German goalkeeper caught the ball. It means this goal is null...
The story has not done yet... That Klose-Podolski and Lampard's near score was on the 1st half. At the 2nd half, youngster Mueller scored twice at the 67th and 70th minute, ending England's dream of winning the World Cup. Kudos to the young players from Germany! Most of us would think, without Ballack, Germany's going nowhere. However, it's a big mistake to think like that. They are going to bring their country to the finals.
We won't be seeing the England's star players 4 years from now. I felt sad for the England team and this has left a regretting memory for them.
On the other game, Argentina won 3-1 over Mexico with 2 goals from Tevez and one from Higuain. As usual, Messi didn't stand a chance to score. Work harder...!
The next match is the one that I wouldn't want to see... Germany vs. Argentina...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It was a devastating news to hear Nicolas Anelka was kicked out from the France team due to a news that was leaked, saying that Anelka was insulting coach Domenech. Sad news... Everyone will be missing Anelka. France are definately are going back this week...
What really happened? According to French captain Evra, there is a 'traitor' that leaked this news to the media... Who's the suspect?
On the other news, I can't really believe that Portugal enjoyed a magnificent victory against North Korea, winning 7-0. Finally, 'hero' of the Portugal team scored a point...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I never thought this year's World Cup would be so... dramatic? Interesting? Out of prediction? Whatever...
Argentina: The won 1-0 over Nigeria. I'm happy for them but still not satisfied... All the shots that Messi made, scored none... By right, it should be 4-0.
England: I didn't see Steven Gerrard coming from behind at the 4th minute. What made me furious about this match was that Robert Green let the ball slipped through his hands and went straight in, making them to have a draw with US. To Capello, change your goalkeeper or pack your bags...
Germany: Yeah! Podolski and Klose are the heroes! It was them that score 2 goals on the 1st half. And youngster Mueller and Cacau made Germany a true champion on the 2nd half. Can Klose get the Golden Boot again?
Japan: I didn't put Japan on the prediction. Don't underestimate them.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Yeah! It will be starting on 11th, this Friday...
Who will win? No one knows...
Still, we have to predict which are the countries that have big chances...
1. Italy (again?)
2. Germany (yeah, they SHOULD win. 4 years ago they were the bridesmaid)
3. Argentina (they have Messi on the team, big chance...)
4. England (no David Beckham, chances dropped...)
5. Portugal (can Cristiano Ronaldo make it?)
6. Spain
Maybe all the 6 teams above will not make it into the top 16. Just maybe...!!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
p/s:对不起,没有古建杰与陈文宏的照片。古建杰只出现在手机的video file。很抱歉,应为有些技术问题,upload不到video。
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010
Everyone dreamt a dream, whether it's a good nor a bad one.
But do you really remember the details of your dream? the answer is no. You'll just have a blurred vision of what had happened.
When I experienced a bad or good dream, I'd tried to recall what exactly really happened. In the end, when I tried to match all the pieces of dream all together, I don't know what is really happening in my dreams...
Does dream related to what happened in our lifes?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
In minor cases, just ignore it. Probably you'd lost hundreds or thousand of Ringgit. We'll take it as an expensive lesson.
In extreme cases, just report to the authorities (e.g. police and complaint bureau). That's no way you can keep yourself in silent, right? That person had cheated a large sum of money from you, you can't bear another victim to fall on the conman's hand, right?
So if you'd such worries/feeling, do something...!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'd been a fan of his music for quiet a while. Let me tell you about this dude. He's music is fantastic (cause it's in his genes). He's songs will make Jay Chou wanna retired! And lastly, he had a nice voice.
Recommended for listening: ‘占据’,‘玫瑰’
Monday, March 15, 2010

- 租回来的那些车子的号码是不吉利(9394,1458,9413)
- 姐妹因为布满受到‘麻将十万’而强新娘导致群破了
- 新娘车的洋娃娃掉在地上
- 道茶时,婆婆当众把茶水喷励心。公公则裤子破洞
- 婚宴上,程义喝醉酒唱谭永麟的‘如果命里早注定分手。。。’,‘赠庆’啊?、
- 四大天王在婚宴上‘跳童’


Friday, February 19, 2010
My cousins have been obsessed with this piece of toy years back...
A stupid me can't figure out the solution...

(l-r) 3 grandchildren of 五姨婆 followed by her daughter and daughter and grandson of 小姨婆
(l-r) My aunt talking to her cousins, which is my 'uncles'. Guess what? They younger than me. I remember we used to hang out together when we're young. Mao-he(懋河)in blue and white shirt and Mao-shan(懋山)in red (Am I right?!)
(l-r) 二舅公,大舅公,五姨婆,二表舅,舅母婆
(l-r) 小姨丈公,大舅公,granddaughter of 姨婆 and 姨丈

(l-r) Partly seen in the background; 三表舅(in blue shirt) and behind him is 表姨(Li Yi),叶老师/叶宏昭表姨(standing in front),表舅 [Mao-Shen(white t) and Mao-Yi(stripped t)]. The one standing on the left of this picture is my cousin, which I'm not familiar with.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It's been a while since my last blog...
So what happened between Bernard and Kee now? Back to normal. I mean no more partnership.
Chinese New Year is just days ahead...
And I'll be going back to my hometown...
As I grew older, the spirit of celebrating Chinese New Year seems to fade... Why? Probably as we grow older, we are no longer the child that we use to be. What we can really do is just remise or remember it as part of our chilhood days.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
When I heard of this 'masuk lokap' story, I just couldn't stop laughing...!
As I mention about Bernard and Kee ended their partnership and turned to an ugly battle at my last post, this is the second half of the story. Bernard, as we may know, was given a restraining order by the court, are forbidden to enter the office for 6 months. However, he entered the office 2 weeks ago when Kee was out. Even if Kee is not around, you just don't enter at afternoon! Such a silly move... The assistant called Kee and told him that Bernard came in and took his documents. Furious Kee then called the police and locked him in jail...
He then called a lawyer to bailed him out, maybe...?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
This is a story of 2 partners of a company. Kee and Bernard. They formed the partnership in around 6 years ago. Things are OK for these 2, until news broke last year that they are going to disband.
Reason, well, there are 2 versions, basically;
- Kee: Angry at Bernard when he was absent for 2 months. Other than that, Bernard owns a company out there, without Kee's knowledge.
- Bernard: Claimed that Kee does not care about their company and most of the profit of their company comes from him.
What happened now?
The court released a restraining order, forbidding Bernard to enter the office for six months. Why? Kee had this evidence that Bernard use their company to keep the stocks of his own company. In simple English, he violated the laws. Probably will be fined or jailed, either both.
Monday, January 4, 2010
New year, new hope, new resolution, and everything new!!! Welcoming to the year of 2010! Can't really believe that 10 years has passed since the year of millennium... From the 911 attack, the 1st black president of the United States and the political tsunami in Malaysia to the economy crisis and the rise and fall of crude oil, so much has happened over the decade. Looking back, personally I think everyone should have some lesson from all the incidents.
What I wish for 2010? I wanted to be Wong Jing. Ha, it's just one of my hopes... I'm entering university this year and I'm looking forward to it...