Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The Many Faces of Human...

I'd attended my 1st class of Communication Theory with Ms. Freeman today. OK, Communication Theory may not be favoured by most students, but it explores deep down about communicating in a right way. Confused?
Why on Earth people learn this subject? It's like a way to learn how to communicate in a right way, without any misleading nor misunderstandings.

What I'd realised from Ms. Freeman's lectures was you (sort of) use different way to speak to different individuals. Example, attending a funeral. You'll send your condolences to the family members, not yelling out "He deserved dead! I'm glad he got it! Ha, ha...".
OK, with friends and family, I'll be a bit sarcasm and joke all the way. Meanwhile, I'm serious in work. Get it? I'm Joker and the next moment I'm the serious Batman
Put that on your mind. You wouldn't be talking in the same tone with all people around you.

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