Saturday, October 29, 2011


Chatime, My love...

There's this thing.
It's been some time since I had a cup of bubble tea. And also the Taiwan plastic scare made me stay away more from Taiwanese food and drinks, which I love very much.

Honestly, after my trip to Taiwan, I don't really have much chances to taste Taiwanese food. Well, there's actually a Taiwanese restaurant in Gardens Mid Valley, 'Feng Lye' which serves Taiwanese delicious food. However, it's just being too pricey...

Back to the topic.
Recently there's this new obsession among young people in the city about a particular stall. Initially, I have no idea why it is so special. Just bubble milk tea with pearl. But, I was wrong.

Chatime was a drink franchise from Taiwan. They not only serve bubble milk tea, also tea, blended juices and more.

Chatime's outlet in Summit USJ. I prefer to go this outlet than the one in Gardens MV because it's always and always crowded there.

One of my favourite from the menu, 'Black Tea'. Another one was 'Japanese Matcha Red Bean Smoothie'. 

p/s: Writing this post made me crave for Chatime more... I want Chatime, now!

Besides that, there's this promotion going on, collect 10 stamps and get one cup free. 

For more info, visit Chatime 's web site

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