Thursday, October 20, 2011


Girls and Gossips 2...

I wrote this post of the similar title 2 years back when I was still in Form 6.
The reason why I'm doing this post of same title is that I proved to be right on girls and gossips. They co-exist with each other.

I found out from people around me and also myself, we love to talk, no matter what, be it personal or current issues or just some 'coffee chats'. Girls talk 24/7.
I was to stress out: if you don't gossip, you're not a girl.

So far for the week, I'd been in conversations with lecturer and friends on 'unspoken secrets'. Well, they were not really some secret, it's things that people don't usually speak off. It's like some kind of taboo subject. Throughout my conversation with them, I'd gone depth lengths on discovering what's behind everyone.
I'm not going to write out what we spoke, as they were, as I said before, 'unspoken secrets'...

Jump to conclusion. No matter where I am, what age I am, I discovered that we, girls, women just love to talk. They want others to hear what we think.

Women's nature. Don't use Science to explain it...

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