Tuesday, September 4, 2012


'The Dog and the Lamp Post'

This was a joke I heard from none other than K, more than a year ago...
Until yesterday, I mentioned to Ju Yi about the 'dog-lamp-post' joke. Was told to write a blog post on this...

This article discussed about the special relationship between dog and lamp post. Please read it if you don't understand.
This was actually a term, traditional I can say, to showcase the relationship between journalists and politicians. Who is 'the dog'? Who is 'the lamp post'? Is journalist the 'dog'? Not really. They are the society's watchdog, indeed. But they can't really be the 'dog'. Who watches the media if they do any wrongdoings? The government/politicians? The roles were indeed blurred... The relationship between a journalist and politician... 'frenemies'. Ha, ha, ha! I learned this term back few years ago, during the blonde-dominated-reality-series-era. Friends but not really friends. Enemies yet a true enemies.
For me, I see an 'exchange' in terms of the relationship between journalists and politicians. Journalists want to get, probe them for news and watch their wrongdoings... While politicians, they want journalists to report on them, get them to... promote (?) about them.

The dilemma in journalist's relationships with their subjects... It's a career filled with grey areas, everywhere.

The scene of a dog barking at a lamp post or pissing at the lamp post.
We don't really see it much in Malaysia such scenario. Our lamp post are more taller and modern. Unlike the ones in England where they're shorter and looked traditional. (Go Google lamp post in England's images! Ha, ha, ha!)

Journalism, build based on politics. Journalism and politics, they are inter-related, that's what I can say.
There will be politics in most field of journalism, be it sports or business.
Who are the 'dog' and 'lamp post'?
Who watches and guardes over whom?

Writer's note: Hopefully I won't have the dilemma of relationship with my other half in the future... Wishing for a normal and decent relationship. A love relationship. Only love, no other elements. Still, I love the work challenges of a journalist... Guess I won't give up this career. Ha, ha, ha! I wouldn't really want to do general news specifically in the future. I'm more keen to entertainment or sports...

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