Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Social media and talents...

Basically, it's an opinion piece. So if this post do offend certain parties, I sincerely apologize.

My confession: I rarely listen to radio nowadays. Radio used (it has been the past) to be my 2nd main medium to search and look out for current artistes and song. Keep updated with the music scene.
However, time had changed, drastically. Thanks to social media like YouTube (the foremost primary), Twitter, and Facebook, I look for the information I want there. These social media on the Internet, also expose me to some really talented yet unknown people that you don't see on mainstream arena. At this time, I began my suspicion on whether there's a drained of talents on mainstream music... Deep down inside, my inner voice told me so. There are lack of  real talents in mainstream music.

I often compare music back then and now. I'm unsure if it's one-sided or other reasons, I prefer songs back then. Hence, that was why I blogged about 'Songs from  the 1990s' part 1 and part 2. Those were some of the songs I heard growing up, that I can still remember until today. Was it because of sentimental feelings I had from those songs? No. I tried listening to similar songs that were about the same issue/meaning like love-lost and made my own justification. Yes. They were different. I prefer songs then because they bought out what is the true meaning/feelings of love-lost.

I made my decision to either be an entertainment or sports journalist in the future. Don't misunderstand the term 'entertainment journalist'. They're not paparazzi. They're journalist/reporter that report the happenings in the showbiz. Not those who made up stories. As a future entertainment journalist, I need to equip myself with knowledges from the mainstream and alternative music scenes. How can you write something/someone without proper knowledge?

Straight to the topic.
I'm going to talk on social media and talents. Simple say to illustrate, YouTube singers.
Recently, I'm hooked up on listening covers of top 40 songs by people on YouTube. I really love it! In fact, some of the songs I think are better than it's original version. Ha, ha, ha! Artists will have a run in their money.
I have no musical background or talent (the talent I guess I have is writing). But I have a sharp 'sense' in sentimental listening. Sentimental listening? It's something I made up. Ha, ha, ha! Basically listening to the mood/feeling of the song.
It's how an artist deliver a song with the right feeling and an attitude is what matter most. It distinguish between one artist from another. If everyone sings the same, why not just listen to robots?! All of the identical. Imagine one day, just imagine... If music and talents were produced in mass like cola-cola, everything we hear sounds the same and are standardized, how could music be defined then?

Here are some of the alternative singers that got me hooked up... (I wonder if anyone heard of them...)

1. Ed Sheeran

You can't help falling in love with his movie. This dude is full of attitude!!! 'Lego House' was the first song I heard from him. I briefly mentioned it before. I love British music. He's the new generation of Brit music. Just listen to his song and let his music speak!
Seriously, everyone should watch this video. He and Rupert Grint looked like a pair of twin!

Please, please! Watch this video of him singing 'You Need Me, I Don't Need You' in a live studio recording. A man, with a guitar, beatboxing! Woah! It's breathtaking.

2. Tom Felton

Ha, ha, ha! I love this badass from Harry Potter! My father loves him too!
I didn't expect he sings too! Goodness, his songs were nice!

3. Joe Brooks

"Wah! So 'leng chai' leh!". That was how I reacted when I first saw and heard him. I even introduced to my ex-neighbour who's in US about his, joked that she should go see him on tour in US... Ha, ha, ha!
Sadly, I missed his fans meeting session in Segi Subang.

4. 10 Reasons To Live

I didn't hear this band before until 20 hours ago! Ha, ha, ha! Someone from their Twitter account sent a Tweet to me, informing about their existence...
I knew how this came about, my friend, Farah and I were chatting over Twitter on one of the trending topics, and Tweeted BB Mak's 'Back Here'. There! Both of us receive Tweet from them! Unbelievable right?!

5. Alex Goot

Random YouTube search and I found him! Ha, ha, ha! He's really talented. 'Wide Awake' and 'How To Save a Life' are my personal favourite. And, there's better than the original versions.

6. Jason Chen

I think those that dominate YouTube, there's an amount of them are Asian like Ryan Higa, Kevin 'KevJumba' Wu and Wong Fu Productions.
Love Jason Chen doing funky songs... Ha, ha, ha!
Long live Asians on YouTube.

7. David Choi

I knew David Choi from Wong Fu's videos. His songs were often use a the music for the videos. And he does act in Wong Fu's video like 'Strangers, again'.

8. Arden Cho

I HATE this song, ever since! I don't have the slightest clue why it was written at the first place.
But... she changed my attitude to this song completely! Not to mention she made the song cute and cheeky! How can you not love...?

9. Chester See

He's funny and talented!!! Feel in love with his music when I heard 'Nice Guys'. 
"Bromance...". Ha, ha, ha! 

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