Thursday, February 16, 2012


Going to major...

I'm back after 2 weeks since my last post on Chinese New Year!

Here was something I received during Ms. Hafizah's class yesterday, from her, of course; an enrolment form for my 3rd and final year subjects. Immediately, I was filled with surprises...

I'd never thought that I got the form so early. I'm just going through my second year, haven't even done my first year subject, haven't been to internship... That form yesterday really gave me a shocked and realisation later... I  had spent almost 2 years in university and I'm leaving soon to work. Yes. Time flies.

I had mixed feelings when I got the final year enrolment form. I was happy because I can finally l get to learn and feel how will it be to be a journalist. That's what I'm hoping, wishing and waited for so long. Frankly speaking, I thought of writing as my career back during secondary school. Then there was this time that my English teacher said to me that my English was not good enough to write. There! I gave up writing as my dream. Still, once in a while I gathered ideas to write a piece of story, hoping that it will be published one day. That was also the time I decided to changed to advertising because of the creativity and challenges.

Since coming to uni, I was influenced by this so-called theories of being an 'objective viewer', 'watching over the society and government' by this person. This person (better keep it confidential, until my convocation) 're-lightened' my hopes and dreams once more to be a journalist, to write as a profession.

Another feeling I had was sad. I was sad because I'll be leaving the 'school life' soon. I don't think I'm ready for the turning point of working life... How's the working life for me be in the future? No idea. No intention of using a crystal ball to look into it also...

Anyway, that's what I had in my mind. Be ready to take up the challenges as a journalist.

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