Saturday, August 20, 2011


What You 'Can't' and 'Don't' Eat...

(to those who don't eat these and that, here is what my advice to you)

This is something from my own observations. You can agree or disagree.
I noticed that there's a big difference of "what you CAN'T eat" and "what you DON'T eat". The explanation is you CAN'T eat because you have a valid reason to do so, for such, you can't eat peanuts because they gave you allergies. Fine. That's a solid reason. You'll have trouble after eating eat. Acceptable.
I CAN'T eat seafood, peanuts and also eggs because I'm allergy to them. I'm telling out because I don't want to be known as the picky person or the wasteful one.

Next, you DON'T eat food that you don't like or you think it's harmful to you. What is the reason behind it?! Don't be picky over food, please! The food had been cooked, so take it or leave it. There's this thing my elders used to said, "if you eat, you'll survive. If you don't, you'll die". Believe it or not, I really fell into the scare tactics used. I wanted to live, not die. Sometimes, no matter how bad the food taste, I'll eat it down. For reasons known to me that I want to survive and not wasting food.
Come on, think about it, a UN report stated that the world is having shortage of food. If you don't eat this and that and thinks this and that is bad for you, you'd chose the path to starvation and death. So, whatever has been served on the table, take it, don't act as if you're a food expert not eating food you think is bad or harmful.

Last words, in some situations where you're really hungry and desperate, you'll even swallow trash. That's for the extreme situation. Therefore, take what has been given to you. Bad, harmful or poisonous, decide later. Most important fill your stomach.

So kids and big kids, got the message...?

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