Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Food fight!!!

This may be a 'never-before-seen' scenario to some of you. But I had witnessed it many times, in several places...

Couple of days ago, I went for steamboat buffet dinner at a well-known restaurant in Sunway area (I'd given the big hint... So some may guessed it right which restaurant I'm addressing...).
OK. It's kinda a culture/common scenario in the restaurant, where people fight for food. Yes, typical Chinese restaurant I called it. No, people are not cutting queues or punching on each other to get the food. As I said, this is a buffet steamboat restaurant. The food has been there already. The specific food that people were fighting for was the grilled chicken wing.
If you ask me why, I can state out 2 reasons; 1. the chicken wings taste good, what my father told me, 2. limited supply. Once the chicken wings were served, it will be taken off in approximately 1 minutes.
I noticed that the chicken wings were served in every 10 minutes. Before the staff was even there, patrons started queuing up for the it! Swept off in about 1 minute!
My father 'fought' to get the chicken wings for 3 rounds. On the last round, I suggested him to take the big spoon to get as many as he wanted. And he did. I was (unwillingly) given a piece of chicken wing.

Unbelievable? You better believe it! And if some of you still don't know where exactly, ask around. It's not hard to look for it.

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