Friday, December 4, 2009


A terrible encounter, but that's just a dream...

It was really close... Closer even before the eyes... I was woke up by this terrible yet so surreal dream this morning... I can feel myself crying in the bed.
I still don't get why would I dreamt this dream...

In my dreams, I am sitting for econs 2. The questions are OK... But when I finished question number 30(last), the 'pengawas' said there's only a minute left...!!! What?! I haven't did Section B,C and even D. What am I supposed to do? I looked around and saw everyone was done, and arranging the answer sheets. At that very second, I cried... I wanted to beg the 'pengawas' to give an hour extra... Still, she was now at my table and collect the mcq answer sheet. My world has really came to an end...! I'm failing this paper and most probably the whole subject...
Moments later, I wanted to call Ah Wei and Bee Yen to tell them about it... I even cried on the phone while talking to Ah Wei...
I woke up trying to recall, has this really happened?!
Well, not at all. In reality, I sat for econs 2 on Wednesday, and yes, I finished Section A, 5 questions on Section B and 2 questions respectively for Section C and also D. I am in this terrible yet scary reel world...

Probably I am thinking too much and worrying my results all the time...

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