Monday, December 14, 2009


December sky...

Woah... STPM has finally ended!!! That means I'm finally free now! Over the weekend, I spent some time with my family and also friends. Bee Yen took Chee Wei, Wen Ling and I to a steamboat dinner after the last paper.

Chee Wei kinda “姐手姐脚”while trying to hit the crab.

Standing next to 2 pretty girls made me really stressed...!

What's my plan after STPM? I'm still looking for an answer to it...

Over the weekend, while my family and I were out for holidays, my neighbour, 'Isaac's' house was robbed. The thief had stolen his cash and passport. 'Isaac' came and asked my mother did our house were robbed. Thankfully, nothing happened over the last 2 days while we were out. My passport and my parents' expired ones are still here... The forensic dude came late in the evening. He told us that the thief broke in through the glass slide door, not the wooden door that we usually use. He also suggested us to buy the 'clamps' to lock the glass slide door.

At dinner with Chi En and family. we still discussed about Australia. As Malaysian, every working community work for 8-9 hours a day. However, Australians, don't adapt this working cultural. They probably work for less than 15 hours per week! Why? Australian government, just say, subsidise the lower income ones A$500 a week. It's a contradiction, really. You wanted to help the people, but in the same time, you're encouraging them not to work to much. The 7 of us couldn't agree on this issue. This is what we call 'pengangguran tidak ketara' on Economics. Secondly, the food there are real expensive. A normal Western dish cost about RM 40-50. Dr. Teh said their businesses never survive...

As a result, nothing compare to Malaysia!

Friday, December 4, 2009


A terrible encounter, but that's just a dream...

It was really close... Closer even before the eyes... I was woke up by this terrible yet so surreal dream this morning... I can feel myself crying in the bed.
I still don't get why would I dreamt this dream...

In my dreams, I am sitting for econs 2. The questions are OK... But when I finished question number 30(last), the 'pengawas' said there's only a minute left...!!! What?! I haven't did Section B,C and even D. What am I supposed to do? I looked around and saw everyone was done, and arranging the answer sheets. At that very second, I cried... I wanted to beg the 'pengawas' to give an hour extra... Still, she was now at my table and collect the mcq answer sheet. My world has really came to an end...! I'm failing this paper and most probably the whole subject...
Moments later, I wanted to call Ah Wei and Bee Yen to tell them about it... I even cried on the phone while talking to Ah Wei...
I woke up trying to recall, has this really happened?!
Well, not at all. In reality, I sat for econs 2 on Wednesday, and yes, I finished Section A, 5 questions on Section B and 2 questions respectively for Section C and also D. I am in this terrible yet scary reel world...

Probably I am thinking too much and worrying my results all the time...

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hugh Grant...

He's actually one of Brits that I like. Don't really remember when I first seen his movie, but this dude is still one of the Englishmen that is still in Hollywood. Never mind all the bad publicity about his years back, he's the Hugh Grant that we love to watch, right? He speaks in his native accent even it is an American movie. Terribly funny if he play a 'wasted up' guy. Match his innocent and boyish face. A true actor, that's why I salute him...! I don't get why other English and also Aussies have to fake their accent... Lack of originality... Be yourself!

Really should see Hugh in 'Did You Hear About The Morgans'. Again, he's 'wasted up'. Pairing with Sarah Jessica Parker? Can't see the chemistry between them.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009



其他的人就不太幸运了。Wen Ling还有点不适。Neerosha昨天下午也不舒服。不知为何,她的脸色苍白。
这‘病’真的是会传染的。先是Wen Ling,然后我,昨天就是Neerosha。谁会是下一个目标?!