Monday, November 2, 2009


Flashback of memories...

I passed through my old school, SMK USJ 8 on my way home. I'd realised how much I miss my days back then. Looking at the school's building and the wall, I actually remembered all my contributions to the school. Which are;
  1. 2004 and 2005: The 'senamrobik'. I collected about RM500-600, I think...
  2. 2007: My whole class of 5C came for the 'Malam Sejuta Malam'. I remembered the fried kuey teow tasted GOOD! Even persuaded Wei Fang to come that night.

Recalling all my contributions, I was glad that my ex-headmistress, Pn. Rubiah really put all the money in good use. Still, I don't really agree on building the dumb wall. Made the school looked like a high security prison... Anyway, I am really proud to be part of SMK USJ 8. It has been quite some time that I last returned to the school...

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