Sunday, July 19, 2009


'Harry Potter'

I'd been watching the 'Harry Potter' series since the 'Sorcerer's Stone'. These are my comments for all the 'Harry Potter' that has been shown:

  1. 'The Sorcerer's Stone': Magical, fun, and of course adventurous
  2. 'The Chamber of Secrets': More chaos as Ron and Harry face without Hermione on discovering the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts

  3. 'The Prisoner of Azkaban': Probably the dark and a confusing one. It had some sentimental feelings in it as Harry met his godfather, Sirius Black and found out it was Peter Pettigrew who betrayed his parents, not Sirius.

  4. 'The Goblet of Fire': Such a miss that Edward Cullen, sorry wrong movie... Cedric Diggory, played by the charming bloodsucker Robert Pattinson was murdered by Voldermort. Has anyone notice that Emma Watson looks beautiful in this movie?

  5. 'The Order of Phoenix': This was my least favourite, actually. This book was around 600 pages thick and I thought the movie was going to be almost 3 hours long. However, the director edited some important part of it, making the story hard to understand. The situation differs if you read the book.
Now it was 'The Half-Blood Prince'. Overall, what makes the movie nice to watch was probably the teenage romance between Harry and pals. The funniest of all has to go to Ron and Lavender. For Harry and Ginny, well, they are officially together after Ginny had a crush on Harry for almost 6 years. Meanwhile, it had to be the saddest thing that Professor Dumbledore had to die for the wrong reasons while Professor Snape carry the murderer's name for killing Professor Dumbledore. It was a plan by Dumbledore for Snape to kill him. It was Snape that has been protecting Harry all these years for his love towards Lily... (will be review in 'The Deathly Hallows')

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