Recently, we can see 'vampires' in the movies and on the t.v. screen. 'True Blood' is one of the 'vampire' franchise.
1. Love
Girl-meets-vampire, girl fall-in-love with vampire. That's basically what is in the series. Story revolves around a telepathic waitress, Sookie (played by Anna Paquin) who met a vampire Bill in the restaurant that she's working. Sookie's encounter with Bill lands her in all sorts of trouble. Sookie almost died in protecting Bill but survive after he saved her with his blood. Yeah, in this series, vampire's blood has the power to cure and even save a person's life. Sookie's friends and family warned her to stay away from Bill as he might endanger her life. Still, Sookie's love towards him was unconditional.
2. Lust
'True Blood' is definitely an adult rated series. The setting is located in the small town, Bon Temps. However all the villagers involved in all sort of crime. Take Sookie's brother for example, Jason. He was, in the wrong place all the time. First, he was involve with a prostitute, Maudette which later was killed by a vampire. Jason was making out with her hours before she was dead. Next, he was the main suspect in killing Sookie's colleague, Dawn as he was fighting with her the night before. Jason is addicted to the Vampire's Blood, which he was initially use them to have a good sex with his girlfriend. Nevertheless, he took the Blood overdose and became addicted to it. He then became close to another Blood addict, Amy.
The second season premier in Asia in August on Max.

The on and off screen lovers of 'True Blood', Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer.