Shouldn't come today... Pn. Cheong delivered a shocking news to the whole Form 6. We are going to follow a new 'system' from the Education Ministry, which was the school time ARE GOING TO BE EXTENDED STARTING FROM THE NEXT SEMESTER!!! It really 'hit' everyone. As the Form 6s are using the new building behind the school next semester, we are 'unwillingly' pay for the consequences for using new things... What I really think about this whole new education system was 'desperately waiting to kill time'. As we(upper 6s) were staying back for tutorial for the last 5 months, I found out that many of classmate and some upper 6s skipped tutorial for mainly, they are tired... Not only us(students) that doesn't want to stay, teachers wanted to get home early because their personal matters. Example, Pn. Tee(who taught us tutorial for Business) actually have to be home after school as her daughter had reach home. Yeah, as a concerned mother, you will worry about a 10 year old's safety upon reaching home alone. For every tutorial we had with her, she would call home to check on her daughter... Teachers, we really should appreciate them as the sacrifice their personal time for us... A big thanks to the tutorial teachers!
As roly-poly and her friends except Su Mei were absent today, all of us stayed at Bilik SAL until 1.00 pm. 6B joined us later with their teacher, Pn. Chuah. Ann-Loke joined me for 2 games of congkak. There, we discussed about this Hong Kong series that we are currently watching, 巾帼枭雄or Rosy Business. Last night's episode was really a nail-bitting one! 彭鏗, the villian who joined 风仪, in forcing Sheren Tang to step down as the owner of the rice supplier for her son,(必文) was exposed in some blackmailing by Wayne Lai's 柴九 in front of the Genaral. 柴九told the General that 彭鏗is the real 'parasite' in the town that not only greedy, but also revengful. 柴九use the citizens and the businessmen's power to force 彭鏗to step down and chase him away... Well, this series is concluding on Friday and I'm looking forward to it. Heard that 柴九died in the last episode...

1 comment:
don't watch tv everyday lah, do some other like jogging, yoga...etc.
u suday watch terminator??
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