Exceeding one's patience...
I hate it when some nuisances come up and challenge my nerve... Don't ever do that as girls, you'll never know, what they'll become if they gone berserk...
Ah Wei and my patience was really being challenge by these 'craps'(in another word, worthless beings) back at school. Ah Wei is really serious when she's performing her duties, never get her angry if you know her. These kiddo that doesn't perform his duties well, and instead he 'overstep' into her territory of duty. How rude is it when you did your duties terribly and still so villainous lodge a fake complain towards your supervisor (don't know if he did it or not). Should he really have to forward back to the basic morale education that never be rude?!
Now is my turn, this 'roly-poly' threw the bags that belonged to Eunice, Ah Wei and I. Please, the school bell had not even rang a tune, and you rush everyone out of the classroom? The whole school knew that the discipline teacher was absent from her position, you just don't have to be 'that' excited to go home early... 还是你赶着去跟阎王‘报到’?I (and also Ah Wei) really don't understand what's in the mind of 'roly-poly'? Full of wastes, perharps? The dissatisfaction towards the 'roly-poly' have really turned to hostility... This 'roly-poly' should really examinate her personality...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Personalities that I'd met...

Yeah, I met Malaysian coperate figures!
First of all. I met Genting's chairman, Tan Sri Lim Kok Tay林国泰 at a restaurant in Genting. Well, I don't really noticed a billionaire had just walked past me. It was my mother that told me about him. Tan Sri, just looked descent... Still, he smiled at almost everyone.

Next up, I saw Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan郭令灿, HLB's CEO. He's actually heading for dinner with his families. I didn't really see his face (clearly) as I was noticing his cigar. Darn! I should really asked him for a loan, with extremly low interest rate! Ha, ha, ha...

Lastly, I'd met former Housing and Local Government Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan, Hai-O's CEO, Tan Khai Hee陈凯希 and also Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong林玉唐 at a Chinese New Year's ceromony. Datuk Ong, I can say he looked friendly to everyone... While, Tan Khai Hee, when you looked at him, you'll never guess how old he is (he's 72)... Tan Sri Lim, frankly, he's not a friendly face dude...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
14/4; Today's my father's birthday... Um... Sadly, today is not Sat. nor Sun. Can't go out to celebrate. Well, hope he'll enjoy his table tennis games with the 'senior' pals. Wish you a great "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!
Secondly, good to announce that Dr. Teh 郑有泉, my uncle had made his mind to come back to Malaysia. Probably he's starting a business soon. So Chi En, better take care of yourself and your sis.! Your parents are goona be busy as mine in the future(?).
We're really ridicilous!. That's Eunice, Lei Wei and I. Really, don't know what's the point of staying back for tutorial... Therefore, Ah Wei brought cereal as snack, and ate them during tutorial... James was 'furious' cause we didn't invite him to join... There goes for Aziz...
14/4; Today's my father's birthday... Um... Sadly, today is not Sat. nor Sun. Can't go out to celebrate. Well, hope he'll enjoy his table tennis games with the 'senior' pals. Wish you a great "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!
Secondly, good to announce that Dr. Teh 郑有泉, my uncle had made his mind to come back to Malaysia. Probably he's starting a business soon. So Chi En, better take care of yourself and your sis.! Your parents are goona be busy as mine in the future(?).
We're really ridicilous!. That's Eunice, Lei Wei and I. Really, don't know what's the point of staying back for tutorial... Therefore, Ah Wei brought cereal as snack, and ate them during tutorial... James was 'furious' cause we didn't invite him to join... There goes for Aziz...
Monday, April 13, 2009
A real stalker...
That's me if you asked. Yeah, I did something mad last Saturday. Typed the keyword ‘郑其恩’on the Google search bar and found the Hin Hua High School monthly news of October 2008. 郑其恩, that happens to be my cousin, actually won some sort of Maths competition(of group's category). Wah! I can really say I'm proud of him because his Maths-Physics (anything related to equations!) is extremly good...
Sorry. Can't show his pic because it was an Adobe Reader file...
Visit his school's website http://www.hinhua.edu.my/ to look for related pictures of the article entitled ‘隆雪华;数学比赛’,under the lower secondary category. He's the one standing left to that male teacher...
That's me if you asked. Yeah, I did something mad last Saturday. Typed the keyword ‘郑其恩’on the Google search bar and found the Hin Hua High School monthly news of October 2008. 郑其恩, that happens to be my cousin, actually won some sort of Maths competition(of group's category). Wah! I can really say I'm proud of him because his Maths-Physics (anything related to equations!) is extremly good...
Sorry. Can't show his pic because it was an Adobe Reader file...
Visit his school's website http://www.hinhua.edu.my/ to look for related pictures of the article entitled ‘隆雪华;数学比赛’,under the lower secondary category. He's the one standing left to that male teacher...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
- 王沛筠;从平凡周到不平凡。在某间学校认识了柳振麟,Shawn。然后两人交往。振麟代沛筠进入名门过的生活,让沛筠看见许多的丑陋事实。但沛筠面对这些人生欲望时,依然抱着一颗赤子之心。
- 刘振麟,Shawn;柳家的次子。对沛筠深深爱着及保护。性格浪漫,有趣。跟沛筠有个共同点,那是爱玩!
- 刘润淇;振麟,振龙,嫣珊的公公,键霆的父亲,柳氏集团的创办人。当沛筠为女儿看待,觉得沛筠不是那些拜金及贪名利的女孩。
- 柳键霆,Martin;珊,龙,麟的父亲。润淇和莉杏的儿子。柳氏集团的总裁。也对沛筠唯亲女儿,觉得她毫无心计。在沛筠鼓励之下,决心追求赖仪欣,Brenda。键霆记仪欣后结婚。
- 柳振龙,Marco:珊的弟弟,麟的哥哥。柳氏酒店业的总裁。因喜欢沛筠而导致与李婷婷分手。一直不敢对沛筠表白。
Saturday, April 4, 2009
School's Trip....
Wow, it'd been my dream to visit the Parliment (Malysia) since... I saw the telecast of debates (a better word, feud!). Although it was quiet a dissappointment to know that the House of Representatives had ended, the House of Senate was no let-down too... Here's what happened, Dep. Minister ofArts, Culture, Heritage and National Unity (Teng Boon Seng) when asked about the untrue facts in the History textbooks, he suddenly suggested that we should learn History 'gostan'! Bet most of you don't understand what's 'gostan', it means 'going backwards'. I think he's trying to say in Chinese (学历史,应该从现至往,那学生们就不会觉得闷!) as his Malay is that that fluent... The 'Speaker' was a little fed up with him as he's quite long winded... While, Dep. Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Datuk Chor Chee Heung's Malay was extremly good (Bet he scored in BM when he took SPM)!!! However, it was a dissapointment when we know that the Gov. had spent Rm 30/day for the illegal immigrants at the lock-up centres... How sad.
Still, it's a learning experience...
Next up we went for lunch at Changkat Thambi Dollah... It's a Chinese restaurant but the food's bad! Lost my appetite when they served the food to me... Jee Keng, Mok Su Rong, Guat Yee and Wee Hong post for a cheer, while the Chef is preparing a bowl of porridge...

Wow, it'd been my dream to visit the Parliment (Malysia) since... I saw the telecast of debates (a better word, feud!). Although it was quiet a dissappointment to know that the House of Representatives had ended, the House of Senate was no let-down too... Here's what happened, Dep. Minister ofArts, Culture, Heritage and National Unity (Teng Boon Seng) when asked about the untrue facts in the History textbooks, he suddenly suggested that we should learn History 'gostan'! Bet most of you don't understand what's 'gostan', it means 'going backwards'. I think he's trying to say in Chinese (学历史,应该从现至往,那学生们就不会觉得闷!) as his Malay is that that fluent... The 'Speaker' was a little fed up with him as he's quite long winded... While, Dep. Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Datuk Chor Chee Heung's Malay was extremly good (Bet he scored in BM when he took SPM)!!! However, it was a dissapointment when we know that the Gov. had spent Rm 30/day for the illegal immigrants at the lock-up centres... How sad.
Still, it's a learning experience...
Next up we went for lunch at Changkat Thambi Dollah... It's a Chinese restaurant but the food's bad! Lost my appetite when they served the food to me... Jee Keng, Mok Su Rong, Guat Yee and Wee Hong post for a cheer, while the Chef is preparing a bowl of porridge...
After lunch, we head down to 'Galeri Seri Perdana', former PM, Tun Dr. Mahathir's home... Wow! Extremely huge! It's a good feng shui spot by the way...
Lastly, the trip ended at the National Planetarium. We were so unlucky that this moment they were renovating half of the Planetarium... Nothing's really special...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April's Fool...!
What a day! I thought that as I grow up, there''ll not be any April's Fool pranks anymore. However, it was still 'childhood' that came on this day...
Aziz (Taiwan guy) was late today. Don't know if he got a warning letter or not. When he reached his desk, Raymurn (Indian 'taiko') was sitting on his place, chatting with the guys. When Aziz reached his desk, politely, he asked Raymurn to move back to his seat. Then, Raymurn stand up and point at him (yeah like the Indian 'taiko' style) and said, "I trusted you, Aziz! How could you do that to me?!". Aziz obviously was puzzled, then Raymurn tried to get on his nerve. "What is this?! You're sitting on my place and you yelled at me to go away...!". This moment, James (nutcase) and Raymurn shouted out, "APRIL'S FOOL". That instance, Aziz only remembered today's the 1st of April.
I had a prank too. Played it on Sow Lei Wei! I told her that I left my P.A. book at home. So this 'kind' girl offered me a piece of graph paper. Later, I flashed out my P.A. book!!! And she was feeling a bit dumb cause she falled for April's Fool trick....
What a day! I thought that as I grow up, there''ll not be any April's Fool pranks anymore. However, it was still 'childhood' that came on this day...
Aziz (Taiwan guy) was late today. Don't know if he got a warning letter or not. When he reached his desk, Raymurn (Indian 'taiko') was sitting on his place, chatting with the guys. When Aziz reached his desk, politely, he asked Raymurn to move back to his seat. Then, Raymurn stand up and point at him (yeah like the Indian 'taiko' style) and said, "I trusted you, Aziz! How could you do that to me?!". Aziz obviously was puzzled, then Raymurn tried to get on his nerve. "What is this?! You're sitting on my place and you yelled at me to go away...!". This moment, James (nutcase) and Raymurn shouted out, "APRIL'S FOOL". That instance, Aziz only remembered today's the 1st of April.
I had a prank too. Played it on Sow Lei Wei! I told her that I left my P.A. book at home. So this 'kind' girl offered me a piece of graph paper. Later, I flashed out my P.A. book!!! And she was feeling a bit dumb cause she falled for April's Fool trick....
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