Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Last week, I (finally?) saw him last weekend at Mid Valley Shopping Centre. He was there for the promo for Biotherm.
When I first step on the centre stage, I saw there's a (not that huge) crowd. And that time, my mother thought that person signing autograph on stage was Hins Cheung. Wait a sec, Hins' not any cosmestic products' ambassador... Oh, then it was the song ‘改嫁’playing. When I heard it, I knew it was him, Rynn Lim...
Well, he looks quite pale in person. I mean the white type of pale. He's quite tall, actually. Thought he was around 1.7m initially.
Friday, March 20, 2009
今天,我仨人将带外公,外婆去外吃。去他们很喜欢的一间餐厅,位于Sunway Mentari的火锅餐厅。这间餐厅值得推荐给所有人。不仅是便宜,还‘食的饱’!比起其他4家火锅店,它确实环境跟食物都赢他们。我最爱得买电是他们有提供BBQ!!!说到此,我肚子正在打鼓!

Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ha, I don't really buy his words, but just take, no offence to me!
Wanna know something? Last month, my aunt jokingly said that the trip to Australia this year would be cancel. As I'm a bad narrator, it's better for me to just write out the conversation between us;
Aunt: Hai, see what happened in Taiwan when we're there?! All became desperate job-seekers. Even a low-class job like holding an ad-board had everyone fighting for it. Don't go Australia la this year! Bankrupt!!!
Teh (cousin): Hah?! I'd told all my friends! What I'm going to tell them? They'd asked me to go look for them when I'm in Australia....
Ming-na: What you told your classmate? I told mine, too. But it's nothing for them. Wah! You're in big trouble, you know?!
Teh Sr.: Huh??? Go la, see if I can apply for a holiday from my boss....
Teh (younger daughter): Ha, ha, ha!!!
Some of you could not understand the story. Then I'd better tell what's is really happening
My cousins told his friends, means that all of them are 'definately' going to Australia this year, or plan B; to Europe. In simple; they are super-rich! They can go to somewhere in Europe for the winter and later to Down Under for the summer! What kind of children are they?
I'd told my friends too. There's no reaction from them telling me "Which part of Australia you'll be? Maybe I'll come to look for you". In simple and offensive English; they don't get a chance to go aboard.
A BIIIIGGG difference between my friends and my cousin's:
a) Cou's: there's a classmate of his, a chaffeure drives them to school , mine; bus, drive to school, or parents
b)Cou's: one of his 'admirers' mum drives a Volkswagen, mine: the most expensive one is probably a Honda
PS: There's actually more but.... can't really recall it
About getting the policies' money, I don't have a clear mind when Grandma&pa will be receiving it...

Recently, I've been watching this HK series, Emergency Unit (EU) or 学警狙击.
What I really like about it was that I can finally see Ron 吴卓羲 in action. It has been quite some time that I didn't see him on screen. And same goes to Samuel 陈键锋!
Besides the 2 leads, there's Elaine Kong, a fresh-faced on small screen and Cathy Chow, an ex-TVB actress...
Just took Grandma's i.c. to do some verification and returned to her yesterday night.
About the money, I don't really have a clear mind when they're getting it...
Recently, I've been watching this HK series, Emergency Unit (EU) or 学警狙击. What I like about it was that Ron 吴卓羲 has finally reappear on screen. It's been quite a time that I didn't see him. And that goes for 陈键锋 too!
Other than the 2 leads, there's also Elaine Kong, a first-timer on small screen and Cathy Chow, a ex-TVB actress...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
至于公积金呢,accounts 1&2,各自拥有约4万!
还有,政府快要公布去年的dividend rate。那就只有等他们公布后才,claim all the savings!!!
明晚,表哥又会在到二舅家,he's probably returning all the funds that has been made and some signings of documents will be taking place。有了这笔钱后,外公外婆就无需为生活担忧了!
p.s.: 二舅为了不要让自己妈妈爸爸胡思乱想,特意从舅妈的诊所,带‘樱樱’来陪他们!