Thursday, August 15, 2013


Those days...

I was once a child. An innocent young mind, eager to grow up and explore.
Yes. I remembered (roughly) about this me, more than 15 years ago.

Today over lunch, I visited this kopitiam that I used to visit in my childhood days, for breakfast and lunch, sometimes dinner. I used to stayed around the area that kopitiam situated.
And today, I was again back to the shop.

For the past 10-odd years, the kopitiam had gone through much changes. Stalls' operators moved out and back, shop renovated, changed of kopitiam owner, and diners getting lesser. Although it might not looked like what I had in my mind, I came back for the reminiscent.

The purpose of this blog post is my thought about childhood reminiscent.

While having my meal, I saw two boys, talking enthusiastically with each other. I did not hear their conversation content. It was the image that captivated me...

The boys were cheerfully talking to one another and walking together towards the other end of the shops.

Such simple scenario fascinated me. Some might not noticed because of its' decency. But to me, I see something great behind the decency.

Does anyone noticed (from my narrative writing) that the two boys DOES NOT held any electronic gadgets on their hands?
That was amazed me at the first place. There ARE still children today who are not stick to their fancy electronic gadgets! Woah!

Whoever are their parents, I salute them for it, not exposing their children at a tender age. And having let them to have human interaction with one another.

This simple yet meaningful scenario inspired me to educate my children (if I have) to use technology wisely... not too much or glued to a device 24/7 and also not refused to have access to the rich information on the Internet. 

Love the boy's smile. (Image from:

Writer's note: I haven't been blogging on similar topics about life for years it seems! I should motivate myself more in the future.