Yesterday my family and I watched the Badminton World Championship in a restaurant called Spaghetti Grill (I don't really remember the exact name). Although the 2 remaining pairs of men doubles crashed out in the semi, however I'd learned something while I was watching the match. Malaysians, as I noticed was really supportive towards this sport. I don't really understand why, but I can tell was this sport, beside football has the 'power' to gather us.
Malaysia is celebrating it's 52Nd year of independent end of August. Since I was young, my definition of independent is 'shouting out 'Merdeka' in Dataran Merdeka on the midnight of 31Th August every year and an ensure massive traffic in the city'. Frankly, I'll never understand Merdeka and the 1 Malaysia concept until last night's encounter...
An Indian man was sitting on the table with the 3 of us watching, cheering, and hoping that the men doubles of Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong would reach the semis. In fact the others that were there are the badminton enthusiastic too. There were few of them standing to watch and cheer. Even though, it was a disappointment our men didn't reach the finals, I managed to see that Malaysian really love the game and somehow I saw they hoped that Kien Keat-Boon Heong will do it better the next time (perhaps a gold in Olympic 3 years later?). Here, I would sincerely thank to the guy who sat in the same table with us cause he helped us to pay for the drinks we ordered!!! THANKS to wherever you are...!!!
Lastly, Merdeka is getting nearer. Wish that everyone would unite to make Malaysia a better place for our children...
Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-52!