Saturday, December 22, 2012


Those Unexplained Feelings...

It's the first time I'm writing, without really having a content...

I'm 'lost' emotionally. No, I wasn't referring to coping to my mother's departure. I'm coping that fairly well.
I'm referring to other issue.

It's better sometimes to not be transparent. Yes. Too much information will exposed the thing.
It was just earlier today that I confided to this ex-school mate and a girlfriend of mine about the 'unexplained feeling'. This will be a little secret between us...

Thought it was a past feeling... However it has became a present feeling.

Once I mentioned this thing to Sow Lei Wei almost a year back... I didn't tell the truth exactly. I wanted her to guess (and keep guessing)...

I'd made the 'move'. It's not really a patriarch society anymore... Feminist ideology is widely used nowadays. True?

Writer's note: I believe it takes time, to defy or confirm.

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